5 Things You’ll Learn from the Nutanix Economic Advantage Summit

By Allan Waters



Whenever companies talk about hyperconverged infrastructure, private cloud, and hybrid cloud, there’s always a mention of ROI or TCO somewhere. There’s usually a little bit mentioned over here on storage, a little bit over there on silo savings, and a little bit here on unified management. Then there is the “your cloud costs more than my cloud” claim. There’s no substitute, however, for a holistic analysis of a solution, such as you’ll find in our IDC ROI & TCO Analysis white paper

But, if you’re looking for a deep, multi-faceted take on the TCO and ROI of Nutanix’s broad portfolio from industry experts and customers, then be sure to check out the Nutanix Economic Advantage Summit. It brings the data and the expert analyses that explain how the simplicity and power of Nutanix solutions allow IT organizations to preserve their valuable budgets, time, and staff labor for high-value initiatives. IT can invest in the future of the organization with infrastructure that delivers returns without adding complexity and cost over time. 

Here are my top 5 takeaways from the Summit:

1. IT is a strategic partner.

The pandemic has elevated IT’s profile in companies around the world, revealing that IT plays a strategic role far beyond that of a utility provider. IT is critical to delivering digital transformation, whether it is using AI to improve online ordering, or helping enhance the productivity of remote workers. Successful businesses now are data driven, which means that IT leaders and CIOs have a vital role in planning and executing business strategy.

2. Be prepared.

Those companies that were able to rapidly pivot their entire organizations practically overnight, while maintaining business continuity, and in some cases becoming more efficient and effective, were the ones who were prepared thanks to prior IT investments. 

3. Develop a dynamic hybrid cloud strategy.

The vast majority of IT professionals consider hybrid cloud the ideal operating model1. However, when developing your cloud strategy, everything needs to be considered. Does your workload have a 24-7 RTO/RPO? Is it a greenfield application? Is it customer facing? Is it a bursting application? Can it move out of the cloud as fast as it went in? 

Hybrid cloud strategy is not a one and done. You must continually reevaluate your applications.  Don’t just put them in a location and forget about them. Revisit to see if where they are (private/public) still makes sense.

4. Go by the numbers.

Use ROI and TCO to support your cloud decisions.  It’s important to dive deep into all costs:  network, facility, and labor, as well as all Day-2 costs. 

When it comes to analyzing public clouds, it’s about much more than servers.  Analyze the VMs mapped to instances on the public cloud, (vCPU/Memory), then map to your purchase method, reserves, upfront payments, etc.  Capture all of them to support your decision.  (Nutanix can help you with an analysis too if you need help).

5. Try out the Cost IQ calculator.

You can take a quick assessment to measure your cloud financial competency.  Check out the IT Cost IQ Calculator to see where you are and to find resources to help you in your economic advantage journey.

The sessions are all still available for you to watch. There is also a great list of takeaways at the bottom of that page.  

1Third Annual Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Index

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