Delivering a coherent data Management Strategy


by Bala Kuchibhotla


This podcast focuses on recent research that shows over two thirds of financial services businesses are moving, or thinking of moving, public cloud applications back to on-premise.

In this podcast we look at the role of the Chief Data Officer in digital transformation across financial services, and what the biggest challenge is that they face to deliver a coherent strategy. 

We’re looking at the importance of Chief Data Officers working collaboratively across departments within their organisation to create a coherent strategy.

It’s an 8-minute listen where you will discover:

  • What approach Chief Data Officers should be adopting to deliver their strategy
  • Why working collaboratively is so important and which departments CDOs need to be engaging with 
  • How the CDO role within financial services will evolve    


Bala Kuchibhotla – VP, General Manager ERA & Business Critical Apps, Nutanix

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