
2024 Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Index Report: Financial Services Industry Key Findings

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For the sixth year, Nutanix commissioned a global research study about the state of enterprise cloud deployments, IT infrastructure and data management initiatives. Researchers surveyed 1,500 IT and DevOps/platform decision-makers, including those in the Financial Services and Insurance (FSI) industry.

To gain deeper insights into emerging trends, this FSI industry findings report delves into various aspects of financial services and insurance modernization including workload portability, security, compliance, adoption of AI, cost optimization, and navigating complexity.

Get this crucial report to discover:

  • How FSIs are evolving their cloud environments.
  • The shifting IT priorities and investment strategies FSI CIOs are making as they advance cloud adoption.
  • The essential factors FSIs consider when choosing their cloud paths.
  • What significant challenges FSIs anticipate as they develop their cloud strategies, notably ransomware prevention and data security.

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