Nutanix Masterclass

The Global Thought Leadership Program

Join us for a live and interactive virtual Masterclass with fellow C-level and executive peers. Discover what CXO Masterclass can do for you.


Learn from Dr. Art Langer, Director of CTM at Northeastern University, alongside senior industry thought leaders on how to anticipate and successfully address unexpected threats; mitigate the negative impacts of digital disruption; transform your organization; and elevate your career.


with Dr. Norman Jacknis, Professor at Northeastern University

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative technology with the potential to reshape nearly every aspect of our personal and professional lives. AI has already had a profound impact on businesses across all industries, transforming the way they operate, make decisions, and engage with customers.

Upon completion attendees receive a Certification from The Center for Technology Management and Digital Leadership at Northeastern  University.  

The Path from CIO to CEO

with Steve Bandrowczak, CEO at Xerox

The CIO to CEO career path was once thought of as unthinkable. However, the growth of digital technologies has provided CIOs with enormous new career opportunities. This Masterclass is designed to provide CIOs and their direct reports with best practices on how to develop the important skills that can position them for the path to the CEO role.

Upon completion attendees receive a Certification from The Center for Technology Management and Digital Leadership at Northeastern  University.  

The Impact of AI on Cybersecurity

with Robert Duncan, CISO at Ardagh Group

Cyber-attacks have grown significantly in volume and sophistication over the past few years. Advances in technology, particularly in Cloud, IoT, and increasingly AI, offer organizations powerful opportunities to modernize their IT environments. However, these same advancements contribute to increasingly complex cyber-threats, as malicious actors leverage AI to make attacks more targeted, adaptive, and difficult to detect. As the digital landscape evolves, the need for a robust cybersecurity strategy to protect sensitive data and IT infrastructure is more crucial than ever. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with some of the industry’s leading experts on cybersecurity, gaining insights into how AI is reshaping both the threats we face and the defenses we must build.

Upon completion attendees receive a Certification from The Center for Technology Management and Digital Leadership at Northeastern  University.  

Digital Disruption

with Dr. Art Langer, Director of CTM at Northeastern University

With the world changing at an unprecedented  and accelerated pace, CIOs and IT Leaders  need a deep understanding of how new waves  of challenges will affect their organization. This  Masterclass will teach how you can anticipate  and successfully address these challenges and  take your organization, and your career, to the next level.

Upon completion attendees receive a Certification from The Center for Technology Management and Digital Leadership at Northeastern  University.  

Transformational Leadership

with Steve Bandrowczak, CEO at Xerox

When do companies need Leadership the  most?…In times of uncertainty and change.  And when is the most difficult time to lead? The  answer is also in times of uncertainty and change.  Businesses across the world have experienced  massive disruption and Transformational  Leadership is needed now more than ever.

Upon completion attendees receive a Certification from The Center for Technology Management and Digital Leadership at Northeastern  University.  

Serving on a Board

with Nick Donofrio, IBM Fellow Emeritus

As IT becomes increasingly important to  a company’s success, CIOs and senior IT executives are increasingly serving on Boards  of Directors. Board membership offers a high-  impact way for IT leaders to leverage their skills  and experience and make a difference in the companies and communities in which they serve.

Upon completion attendees receive a Certification from The Center for Technology Management and Digital Leadership at Northeastern  University.  

Attract and Retain Talent

with Stu Kippelman, Former CIO at Parsons Corporation

Attracting and retaining talent in IT is essential for driving innovation, maintaining competitiveness, ensuring efficiency and security, and ultimately achieving long-term success in today’s technology-driven world. IT leaders and organizations that prioritize talent acquisition and retention are better positioned to thrive in the digital age.

Upon completion attendees receive a Certification from The Center for Technology Management and Digital Leadership at Northeastern  University.  

Digital Sustainability

with Atti Riazi, SVP and CIO at Hearst

Digital Sustainability is about using digital technology in a mindful and responsible manner and understanding the critical role that IT organizations, companies and governments play. Topics include: The history & future of Digital Sustainability; Rethinking the world’s energy consumption; Why should IT organizations care about ESG; How to plan and implement more sustainable solutions.

Upon completion attendees receive a Certification from The Center for Technology Management and Digital Leadership at Northeastern  University.  


Each attendee will receive a coveted Certification from the Center for Technology Management & Digital Leadership at Northeastern University.

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