Thales CipherTrust Manager is an industry-leading enterprise key management solution, enabling organizations to centrally manage various encryption keys that secure data used or within Applications, Databases (column Level or whole database), Files/Folder, VMs/Containers as well as data at rest on HCI, CI, and storage arrays. Thales offers the largest ecosystem of partners who have tested and validated compatibility, allowing customers to buy with confidence.

Unlike most key managers that support only KMIP (mostly storage Arrays), CipherTrust Manager supports KMIP, REST as well as the NAE-XML protocol and can centrally manage keys used to protect data used or within complete IT stacks from applications down to storage. It also secures keys used to protect data in the cloud (BYOE and BYOK) and has optional features that allows discovery, classification, and protection of sensitive data.

Available as both virtual and physical appliances, CipherTrust Manager meets FIPS 140-2 Levels 1, 2, and 3 (Level 3 provides a highly robust root of trust) certification to efficiently address compliance requirements, regulatory mandates, and industry best practices for data security. It can be deployed on-premises or in public as well as hybrid cloud environments.

Thales is ranked as the #1 global market share leader in data encryption and key management with a huge ecosystem of partners. To learn more visit