Trends Shaping Modern Application Development

Containerization, Kubernetes and transformative strategies for agile, secure, innovative IT solutions are becoming table stakes for application development.

By Michael Brenner

By Michael Brenner September 19, 2024

The evolution of application development over the past several years has brought on significant transformation, driven both by the rapid pace of technological advancement and faster-changing business needs from end users. Traditional application development is being replaced by more agile and scalable methods to ensure seamless functionality across platforms and devices.

Modernizing the application development process is crucial for businesses striving to stay competitive in a digital-first world. IT leaders are taking note. A recent survey done by Techstrong found that many IT teams plan to modernize more than 50% of their cloud-based applications over the next two years.

This suggests that even applications recently migrated to cloud environments are undergoing transformation to meet new needs and demands.

“Once you’re [on the cloud] you want to be able to take advantage of moving to an architecture like cloud-native,” shared Mitch Ashley, one of Techstrong’s researchers, in a recent webinar on app modernization. “Folks aren’t just sitting idle after moving into the cloud. They’ve got plans.”

By facilitating faster deployments and more scalable solutions, modern applications enable companies to innovate at speed and deliver enhanced user experiences that drive engagement and growth.

This article will explore the current landscape of application modernization and trends IT leaders and professionals should be watching for 2024.

Containers and Kubernetes

The transformation of application development has been more than standard incremental changes driven by technology advancements – it’s been marked a fundamental rethinking of how applications are designed, developed, and deployed.

Containerization has fundamentally altered application packaging and isolation, delivering unparalleled consistency across varied environments. It’s supported by Kubernetes streamlining the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.


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This is driving significant advantages like accelerated development cycles, simplified scalability, and enhanced application portability. Containerization is slowly but surely replacing traditional VMs and driving a bit of a mindset shift among IT professionals.

“People that left computer science school 20 years ago and the ones that are leaving this year, they're not learning the same stuff anymore,” notes Luke Congden, Senior Director of Product Management at Nutanix. 

“New engineers are learning modern frameworks. They're learning that the way to do this is containerized and packaged. They're learning to do it on cloud or cloud native worlds. So the transition is, new apps are going to be done in containers, and that number's going to increasingly go up, which makes VMs legacy.

The proof is in the numbers. By 2028, the application container market is expected to reach nearly 10X its 2020 value, reaching $19.2 billion.

This underscores the need for even the most seasoned IT professionals to keep their eyes open to new trends and innovative ways to modernize as it relates to application development.

Platform Engineering

As application management has evolved, platform engineering has emerged as a rethinking of DevOps and a critical discipline for modern IT teams. It’s instrumental in enabling developers to create value through application functionality, rather than being bogged down by operations.

Aaron Delp, Nutanix’s Director of Product and Solutions, put it this way: “DevOps was the big buzzword before platform engineering, but now platform engineering is almost coming out of DevOps, because what everyone is finding right now is DevOps sounded great in theory, but developers don't want to do operations.”

“Developers want to develop. And so who takes care of the platforms? Who takes care of the operations? Now there’s this mindset of you need developers and you need platform engineers to make DevOps. And it's interesting that DevOps was the coupling of everything. Now you're seeing a decoupling of everything, which it's an interesting trend.”


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For those that implement it effectively, platform engineering can lay the groundwork for development processes that are more efficient, reliable, and capable of scaling in response to business needs.

Security in the Age of APIs

In an era dominated by API-driven integration and communication, securing these interfaces is more crucial than ever. The proliferation of APIs has unveiled new security challenges, making stringent security protocols indispensable.

A robust API security framework that incorporates authentication, authorization, encryption, and API gateways is vital for protecting against unauthorized access and ensuring secure data exchange. Today’s heavy focus on API security is a testament to its critical role in safeguarding the interconnected fabric of modern applications.

Adapt and Innovate

The relentless pace of technological progress necessitates a culture of perpetual learning and adaptability among development teams. Embracing emerging technologies and weaving them into the fabric of development practices is essential for staying competitive.

This ethos of innovation fosters an environment ripe for experimentation, enabling teams to swiftly adapt to changes and capitalize on new opportunities. It's this commitment to continuous improvement and adaptability that propels the field forward, ensuring applications remain relevant, resilient, and responsive to user needs.


Pivot Past the Enterprise AI and Cloud Native Hype

Understanding and integrating these pillars of modern software engineering is essential for every professional currently working in the field. It’s also crucial to navigating timely and rapidly changing trends that steer application development strategy.

Focus On DevSecOps and Zero Trust Architecture

The exponential rise in cyber threats in recent years has necessitated a paradigm shift in application security. Traditional perimeter-based defenses are inadequate against sophisticated attacks, prompting a move towards Zero Trust architectures and DevSecOps practices.

“The bottom line is that hackers can find a way in regardless of how robust your firewalls or other security perimeters may be,” wrote Forbes Technology Council member Julian Durand, in his recent article on the criticality of zero-trust strategies.

“By default, zero trust (as the name suggests) doesn't trust anything or anyone. In contrast to perimeter-based models, no user or device—regardless of how it entered your network—is assumed to be benign, and all actions are closely monitored.”

This approach signifies a deeper integration of security principles from the development outset, leveraging AI and machine learning for proactive threat detection and response. The evolution towards embedding security in the development lifecycle reflects a mature understanding that security is not an add-on but a fundamental component of application design.

It’s become a cornerstone of modern application development and overall IT strategy. Today, a staggering 96% of organizations prefer zero-trust and the percentage of companies successfully implementing it is growing every year.

Use AI and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning are transcending their roles from mere facilitators of automation to core elements driving the development process. The application of AI in automating code generation, testing, and debugging is not just about efficiency gains but also enhancing the intelligence and adaptability of software solutions.

“AI-augmented and machine learning (ML)-powered software engineering is changing the way software is being created, tested and operated, and the need for responsible AI is growing,” said Gartner’s Dave Micko.“Practices such as platform engineering will begin injecting insights from deployed systems into the systems being developed.”

Gartner’s software engineering hype cycle shows a number of AI technologies reaching their peak in the next 2-5 years, including generative AI and AI-augmented testing. Gartner research predicts that by 2027, 50% of software engineers will be using ML-powered coding tools, up from a mere 5% at the end of 2023.

This integration is poised to redefine user experiences through capabilities like dynamic personalization and predictive functionalities, challenging developers to rethink their application design methods in terms of AI-first principles.

IoT Integration

The integration of IoT technology into application development is moving beyond consumer gadgets to encompass industrial and urban infrastructure. This is driven by the need to harness vast amounts of data generated by connected devices, requiring sophisticated data analysis and management capabilities.

The challenge for developers lies in creating applications that can both collect and process IoT data and also leverage this data to drive actionable insights and operational efficiencies, marking a shift towards more data-centric application architectures.

Embrace Low-Code/No-Code Platforms

The rise of low-code/no-code platforms is democratizing application development, enabling rapid prototyping and deployment. This trend is reshaping the development landscape, reducing reliance on traditional coding skills and opening application development to a broader audience. 

However, it also raises questions about the limits of customization and scalability, challenging developers to balance the accessibility of low-code/no-code solutions with the need for complex, highly customized applications.

Prioritize UX Design

The emphasis on UX design in application development is intensifying, driven by the recognition that user satisfaction is paramount. This trend goes beyond aesthetic considerations, requiring a deep understanding of user behavior and needs.

“A well-designed UX does more than provide a pleasant experience for the consumer (although that’s critical, too),” wrote Damian Mingle, President and CEO of ML-platform LogicPlum.

“A good UX can also enhance efficiency and productivity. By understanding user workflows, pain points, and preferences, developers can optimize an application’s interface, interactions, and information architecture. This results in streamlined processes, reduced learning curves, and increased productivity for users, all of which ultimately benefit a company’s operations.”

The analytical aspect of UX design involves leveraging data and user feedback to iteratively refine applications, ensuring they not only meet but exceed user expectations. This focus on UX underscores a broader trend towards user-centric design, where the success of applications is measured not just by functionality but by user engagement and satisfaction.

Implementing Modern Application Trends

Integrating modern application development trends into a strategic framework necessitates a holistic approach, blending technical innovation with organizational agility.

For businesses and development teams, this integration involves adopting new technologies and fostering an environment conducive to continuous learning and adaptation. Here are a few key focus areas for each of these strategies priorities:

Take an integrated approach:

  • Assess and Prioritize: Begin by evaluating which trends align with your business objectives and technical capabilities. Prioritization ensures focused efforts on trends that offer the most significant impact.

  • Pilot Projects: Implement pilot projects to explore the practical applications of selected trends. This approach allows for real-world testing, risk assessment, and iterative refinement before full-scale adoption.

  • Cross-functional Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between development, operations, and security teams to leverage the collective expertise. This unity is crucial for navigating the complexities of modern trends like DevOps and cybersecurity enhancements.

Build a culture of continuous learning:

  • Learning Platforms and Resources: Provide access to learning platforms, workshops, and seminars that cover emerging trends and technologies. This investment in professional development keeps teams current and motivated.

  • Innovation Labs: Establish innovation labs or hackathons where teams can experiment with new ideas without the pressure of immediate ROI. Such initiatives stimulate creativity and exploration.

  • Feedback Loops: Implement feedback mechanisms to capture insights from all levels of the organization. This feedback is invaluable for adjusting strategies and fostering a culture that values continuous improvement and agility.

By strategically integrating modern application development trends and cultivating a culture of continuous learning, businesses can enhance their competitive edge, drive innovation, and adapt more swiftly to the ever-changing technological landscape.

Looking Ahead

The trajectory of application development is clear: agility, security, and user-centricity will define the future. The trends we've explored are not mere predictions but inevitabilities, shaped by the relentless pace of innovation and the evolving demands of users. 

Businesses and developers alike must embrace this evolution, recognizing that the journey of modernization is continuous. The integration of trends and technologies like AI, IoT, and low-code/no-code platforms are not just opportunities but imperatives for staying relevant in a digital-first world. 

Each represents a critical pivot towards more efficient, responsive, and personalized technology solutions. As we look ahead, the challenge will be not just to adapt to these trends but to anticipate the next wave of innovation. Ensuring that application development continues to be a catalyst for growth, efficiency, and unparalleled user experiences is paramount.

Moving ahead, the emphasis for application development must be on proactive adaptation and strategic foresight. Success will hinge on the ability to not just respond to current trends but to anticipate and prepare for what's next. This approach will ensure that application development is aligned with both immediate business objectives and long-term technological evolution.

Michael Brenner has written hundreds of articles on sites such as Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, and The Guardian and he speaks at dozens of leadership conferences each year covering topics such as marketing, leadership, technology, and business strategy.  

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