AmZetta Technologies

AmZetta’s Digital Workspace software easily integrates with Nutanix AHV allowing users (office, remote or hybrid) with secure access to a virtual workspace from anywhere, anytime using any device.

The zPortal Virtual Desktops (VDI) and Apps allows administrators to create and manage hosted apps, virtual desktops (VDI), shared hosted desktops as well as services for auditing and provision resources for virtual desktops, broker connections and to authenticate users while securing endpoint devices.

The zGateway VPN-Less Secure Gateway provides secure user access to apps and data within the virtual workspace from any network on any device including BYOD. zGateway supports integrated MFA (multi-factor authentication) and OTP (one-time password), with robust reporting and analytics that gives the visibility needed to ensure all users remain connected and secure.

Users can connect to zPortal and zGateway using the zClient software or the zBrows secure browser. zClient transforms any x86 device into a secure endpoint device with support for Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS, and Android. zBrows provides agentless browser-based access to deliver the ultimate desktop experience by transforming any device’s HTML5-based browser into a highly secure access point without the need to install additional software.