Login VSI offers a complete software solution to test and pro-actively monitor the performance and availability of virtual desktop environments (both infrastructure and applications).
Login VSI is 100% vendor independent and works with VMware Horizon View, Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop, Microsoft RDS, and any other Windows-based virtual desktop solution. Login VSI’s Enterprise Edition offers a unique combination of synthetic load-testing (with LOGIN VSI) and pro-active monitoring (with LOGIN PI), allowing enterprises to design, build and maintain fast VDI environments that can provide, and safeguard, an optimal End-User Experience.
Login VSI allows enterprises to get the best out of the Nutanix infrastructure in any virtual desktop or published applications environment. Login VSI is the global industry standard for VDI, SBC and DaaS performance testing and is working closely together with Nutanix in many organisations to build, and maintain, infrastructures that offer an optimal End User Experience.