Thailand’s securities brokerage firm leverages hyperconverged infrastructure to allow easy future growth and ensure customer confidence.
Financial Services
Nutanix Cloud Platform
KTBST SEC aims to be a leading financial institution in Thailand. Nutanix allows KTBST SEC to transit from legacy architecture to HCI. KTBST SEC now enjoys fuss-free scaling that can be aligned closely with future growth plans as well as demonstrate operation reliability to secure customer confidence. KTBST SEC has chosen HCI as the robust system for easy future growth. They want to ensure they maintain customer confidence in order to maintain market leader position and Nutanix helps them to do just that.
When we have an efficient and secure backup system to support our innovations, it enables us to deliver products and services to the market promptly, helping us to increase our market share. Our time-consuming manual tasks reduced up to 80%, and we halved provisioning time from one day to half a day.
We know Nutanix is working on the future, looking ahead constantly to identify and anticipate trends and changes, in the same way we are looking ahead to use technology to drive continuous work processes in pursuit of our goals that meet our customer needs.
Many businesses in the financial services sector realized the need for digital transformation to cope with the challenges of fierce competition, ever-changing customer behaviour and the unprecedented crisis (including rules and regulatory changes by the country’s government, relevant agencies and globally).
“As an investment and financial services provider in Thailand, KTBST SEC provides a multi-product portfolio for customers. We realized the limitation of traditional datacenter infrastructure that relied on multitudinous servers. Legacy infrastructures caused infrastructure silos and complex management, increasing workload, complex control, assessment and storage systems, and costly procurement and maintenance. All these required an experienced and highly skilled IT team. Our clients expect us to be failure free”, added Pichet, “Any downtime occurring while upgrading systems or the inability to have real-time backup would severely affect the company’s business, image and reputation.”
To deal with these issues, KTBST SEC developed an IT vision and strategic plan for the deployment of modern systems and technology. Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (AHV), as well as other features like backup snapshot, and database replication significantly enhanced their IT team’s operational efficiency.
“KTBST SEC is currently using Nutanix as part of our five-year plan to gradually migrate the back-office infrastructure, systems and mission-critical applications to run on their technology. We are only in the third year of the plan, yet we have already seen significant improvements. For example, we have been able to reduce IT CAPEX and the cost of hiring employees by minimising error-prone manual operations and introducing time-saving applications,” added Pichet.
Ensuring service stays available and reliable for customers
“To win a customer’s loyalty is one of our major goals. Reliability is crucial if we are to maintain our position as a leading securities company on the Thai stock market. Any downtime while upgrading systems, devices, storage or virtualization would have serious repercussions,” said Pichet.
Nutanix provides a robust and automated system, which significantly eliminates errors from time-consuming manual tasks. Such an efficient backup and data replication solution is critical to a financial securities company. The network of supporting nodes means that vital information can be backed up within seconds in the case of force majeure, ensuring smooth and continuous customer services and consumer confidence.
KTBST SEC also migrated its website from another technology company to run on Nutanix technology. This move improved the company’s website speed by 50 percent and enabled customers to more easily undertake a range of activities online, including updating their portfolios and opening new accounts.
80% improved IT efficiency means more time for customer-centric innovation
KTBST SEC saw immediate improvements in business operation efficiencies. “Provision time for new business IT setup is halved from 1 day to half a day means we are faster with new business onboarding. We also no longer experience disruptions in our services during system upgrades and the IT team now just spends 30 mins for upgrades as compared to previous experiences of up to 10 hours,” said Pichet.
With improved efficiency, Pichet reported that his staff enjoy a better work-life balance because the use of Nutanix technology can shave time spent on manual tasks by more than 80%, so they have more time to refocus on developing innovative products and services to meet customer and business needs.
Significant cost reduction of 50% OPEX and 30% CAPEX
“Nutanix’s technology enables us to cut our CAPEX costs by reducing the number of costly servers by up to 30%, allowing us to redeploy these limited resources elsewhere in the business. That means we have lower electricity costs and server storage that now fits on one floor. Moreover, it frees up our IT team for studying, training, or innovating, and saves up to 50% of the IT personnel budget as work processes are almost completely automated.” said Pichet.
KTBST SEC has produced a five-year strategic plan (2017-2022) to keep pace with the rapid changes by deploying Nutanix technology. The company is in the 3rd year of the plan and the results are even better than they had hoped. By 2022, KTBST SEC expects to reduce the proportion of legacy servers used from 70% to 10-15%.
A I System Co., Ltd. is a leader Digital Business and Consulting Service provider who focus on Digital Transformation for the organization in Thailand. The company provides modernize digital solutions, Enterprise CRM solutions and IT Infrastructure solutions with affordable ROI of customers.