Education IT leaders choose Nutanix to easily and quickly deploy infrastructure, applications and data across on-premises, edge and cloud environments – and manage it all with an easy-to-use centralized dashboard.
Keep pace with student learning by delivering IT resources when and where they’re needed.
Leverage affordable, integrated data protection and disaster recovery for always-on operations.
Lower infrastructure costs by 36% and reduce carbon emissions (in kg CO2) by 57.5K annually.
Learn how Nutanix delivers seamless end-user access to virtual apps and desktops from any location. You can deploy 8X faster whether you want to run virtual desktops and apps in the cloud or the data center.
Take advantage of highly adaptable infrastructure to meet the challenges of modern education: from online testing, to BYOD adoption, to increased school data access, to the surge in learning apps and instructional videos, institutions are having to do much more with their IT while meeting ever-tighter budgets.
By virtualizing server applications and traditional desktops, educational institutions can efficiently use their infrastructure, provide a consistent user experience with optimized application performance, and simplify management for IT administrators. Nutanix made it easy.
Realize cost savings and get predictable scalability for all types of virtual workloads by integrating compute and storage with Nutanix.