Course Outline
1: Getting Started with NKP
- Introduction to NKP
- NKP Concepts, Terms, and Components
- Installation Prerequisites
- Installing NKP in an Air-Gapped Nutanix Environment
- Licensing an NKP Cluster
- Validating NKP Bootstrap Host Configuration
- Adding NKP Images to a Local Registry
- Creating a Bootstrap Kubernetes-in-Docker (KIND) Cluster
- Building a Machine Image Using NIB
- Creating a Management Cluster
- Applying a License
2: Muti-cluster Lifecycle Management
- Configuring Infrastructure
- Using Workspaces
- Creating and Managing Workload Clusters with NKP
- Working with Projects
- Upgrading NKP
Hands-on Labs
- Creating a Workspace
- Creating a Workload Cluster Using the UI
- Creating a Project
- Implementing Continuous Deployment
- Creating a Workload Cluster Using the CLI
- Attaching, Detaching, and Deleting Clusters
- Scaling Clusters
3: Configuring and Managing Access Control
- Working with Identity Providers
- Using Access Control
Hands-on Labs
- Adding an Identity Provider
- Configuring Identity Provider Groups
- Creating Role Bindings
- Creating a Dedicated Login URL and Testing UI Access
- Configuring and Testing CLI Access
4: Working with Platform Applications
- Understanding Platform Applications
- Dependencies and Requirements
- Reviewing Deployed Platform Applications
- Deploying Platform Applications
Hands-on Labs
- Reviewing Deployed Platform Applications
- Using the CLI to Deploy Platform Applications
- Using the UI to Deploy Platform Applications
- Customizing Platform Application Deployments
5: Protecting Clusters and Applications
- Using Velero for Backup and Recovery
- Checking the Status of the Velero Service
- Installing the Velero CLI
- Creating a Backup Schedule
- Creating an On-Demand Backup
- Restoring a Cluster from a Backup
Hands-on Labs
- Installing the Velero CLI
- Reviewing Backups
- Creating a Backup
- Restoring from a Backup
6: Configuring and Managing Cluster Storage
- Logging in NKP
- Logging Architecture
- Enabling the Logging Stack
- Customizing the Logging Stack
- Viewing Cluster-level Log Data
- Admin-level Logs
Hands-on Labs
- Enabling Logging Stack Applications
- Viewing Logs
- Restricting Logging to Specific Namespaces
- Scaling the Logging Stack
- Creating a Support Bundle
7: Monitoring and Alerts
- Metrics
- Cost Monitoring
- Alerts
Hands-on Labs
- Viewing Metrics
- Adding a Custom Dashboard
- Configuring Alerts
- Monitoring Applications