We are committed to providing high quality, supportable products to our customers. Rapidly changing technologies drive the need to introduce new products and integrations, and to retire older products. To this end, we provide an End of Life (EOL) Policy so that our customers and partners understand our product release and support cycles and how these relate to hardware compatibility for hardware platforms on our Hardware Compatibility List. This EOL Policy only pertains to customers with an active Software Support contract (“Support”). All capitalized terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them in Exhibit A, “Policy Definitions”.
1. Software Version Number. Software versions are designated, in Nutanix’s sole discretion, using the following format: “X.Y.Z.n (LTS)”
- “X” defines the Major Release version number
- “Y” defines the Minor Release version number
- “Z” defines the Maintenance Release version number
- “n” defines the Patch Release version number
- The (optional) abbreviation “LTS” designates whether the version release is a Long Term Support (LTS) Release. If there is no LTS designation, then the release is a Short Term Support (STS) Release.
2. Software EOL Policy
2.1 AOS
- Overview. Nutanix develops AOS using two separate tracks, Long Term Support Releases (LTS) and Short Term Support Releases (STS). AOS Releases and the associated EOL Policy are generally inclusive of software such as AHV, Foundation and Nutanix Cluster Check (NCC).
- LTS Release EOL and release cycle.
- Each LTS Release is Maintained for three (3) months after the Release Date for the next LTS Release that is an Upgrade.
- At the end of the Maintenance period, each LTS Release will then receive Troubleshooting for the subsequent nine (9) months.
- For example, if Nutanix releases AOS 5.10 (LTS) on Nov 1, 2018 and AOS 5.15 (LTS) on February 1, 2020 then AOS 5.10 will be Maintained until May 31, 2020 and Troubleshooting for AOS 5.10 will be available until Feb 28, 2021.
- STS Release EOL and release cycle. Each STS Release shall receive Troubleshooting for three (3) months from the Release Date of the next Release that is an Upgrade.
- When an Update is made available, the previous Update within the same Upgrade family shall cease to be Maintained.
2.2 Prism Central
- Overview. Prism Central is a management/control plane software and does not follow the Long Term Support Release (LTS) and Short Term Support Release (STS) tracks used for AOS. When an Update is made available to Prism Central, the previous Update within the same Upgrade family shall cease to be Maintained.
- Prism Central will target to have an Upgrades Release available every four to six weeks.
- Each Upgrade Release is Maintained for two (2) months from the Release Date of the next Release that is an Upgrade and shall receive Troubleshooting for the three (3) months subsequent to such Upgrade.
- For example, if Nutanix releases PC.2020.8 on Aug 1, 2020 and releases PC.2020.9 on Sep 1, 2020 then PC.2020.8 will be Maintained until Nov 30, 2020 and Troubleshooting for PC.2020.8 will be available until Feb 28, 2021.
2.3 Nutanix Files
- Overview. Nutanix Files currently does not follow the Long Term Support Release (LTS) and Short Term Support Release (STS) tracks. When an Update is made available, the previous Update within the same Upgrade family shall cease to be Maintained.
- Each Release is Maintained for three (3) months after the Release Date for the next Release that is an Upgrade.
- Each Release will receive Troubleshooting for 12 months after the Release Date for the next Release that is an Upgrade.
- For example, if Nutanix releases Files 3.1.0 on September 1, 2018 and Files 3.2.0 on November 1, 2018 then Files 3.1.0 will be Maintained until February 28, 2019 and Troubleshooting for Files 3.1.0 will be available until November 30, 2019.
2.4 Nutanix Objects
- Overview. Nutanix Objects currently will not follow the Long Term Support Release (LTS) and Short Term Support Release (STS) tracks. When an Update is made available, the previous Update within the same Upgrade family shall cease to be Maintained.
- Each Release is Maintained for three (3) months after the Release Date for the next Release that is an Upgrade.
- Each Release will receive Troubleshooting for 12 months after the Release Date for the next Release that is an Upgrade.
- For example, if Nutanix releases Objects 1.1.0 on August 1, 2019 and Objects 1.2.0 on November 1, 2019 then Objects 1.1.0 will be Maintained until February 1, 2020 and Troubleshooting for Objects 1.1.0 will be available until November 1, 2020.
2.5 Nutanix Kubernetes Engine
- Overview. Nutanix Kubernetes Engine follows a lifecycle support policy designed to keep up with and provide enterprise level support for the fast-moving Kubernetes project open source releases. Nutanix Kubernetes Engine currently does not follow the Long Term Support Release (LTS) and Short Term Support Release (STS) tracks.
- Each release shall receive Troubleshooting for twelve (12) months from the release date of the next release that is an Upgrade.
- When an Update is made available, the previous Update within the same Upgrade family shall cease to be Maintained.
2.6 Nutanix Database Service
- Overview. Nutanix Database Service currently will not follow the Long Term Support Release (LTS) and Short Term Support Release (STS) tracks.
- Each release shall receive Troubleshooting for twelve (12) months from the release date of the next release which is an Upgrade.
- When an Upgrade is made available, the previous Upgrade family shall cease to be Maintained.
- When an Update is made available, the previous Update within the same Upgrade family shall cease to be Maintained.
- For example, if Nutanix releases NDB 2.4.1 on April 11, 2022, and NDB 2.5.0 on September 15, 2022, then Maintenance will cease for NDB 2.4.1 and Troubleshooting for NDB 2.4.1 will be available until September 30, 2023.
- Each release shall receive Troubleshooting for twelve (12) months from the release date of the next release which is an Upgrade.
2.7 Life Cycle Manager (LCM)
- Overview. LCM does not follow the Long Term Support Release (LTS) and Short Term Support Release (STS) tracks.
- When an Upgrade is made available, the previous Upgrade family shall cease to be Maintained.
- When an Update is made available, the previous Update within the same Upgrade family shall cease to be Maintained.
2.8 Nutanix CSI Driver
Overview. Nutanix CSI Driver currently will not follow the Long Term Support Release (LTS) and Short Term Support Release (STS) tracks. When an Update is made available, the previous Update within the same Upgrade family shall cease to be Maintained.
- Each Release is Maintained for three (3) months after the Release Date for the next Release that is an Upgrade.
- Each Release will receive Troubleshooting for 12 months after the Release Date for the next Release that is an Upgrade.
- For example, if Nutanix releases CSI 2.5.1 on Feb 2022 and CSI 2.6.0 on Oct, 2022 then CSI 2.5.1 will be Maintained until Jan 2023 and Troubleshooting for CSI 2.5.1 will be available until Oct 2023.
2.9 Nutanix Data Services for Kubernetes (NDK)
Overview. Nutanix Data Services for Kubernetes (NDK) follows a lifecycle support policy designed to keep up with and provide enterprise level support for the fast-moving Kubernetes project open source releases. Nutanix Data Services for Kubernetes (NDK) currently does not follow the Long Term Support Release (LTS) and Short Term Support Release (STS) tracks.
- Each release shall receive Troubleshooting for twelve (12) months from the release date of the next release that is an Upgrade.
- When an Update is made available, the previous Update within the same Upgrade family shall cease to be Maintained.
3. Anticipated Software Release Cadence
3.1 AOS
- Upgrades are typically made available every three (3) to six (6) months for STS Releases and every twelve (12) to fifteen (15) months for LTS Releases.
- Updates are typically made available every four to six weeks.
- In addition, Updates that only consist of Patch Releases are made available on an as-needed basis.
3.2 Prism Central
- Upgrades are typically made available every every four to six weeks.
- Updates that only consist of Patch Releases are made available on an as-needed basis.
3.3 Nutanix Files
- Upgrades are typically made available every three (3) to six (6) months.
- Updates are typically made available every four to six weeks.
- In addition, Updates that only consist of Patch Releases are made available on an as-needed basis.
3.4 Nutanix Objects
- Upgrades are typically made available every three (3) to six (6) months.
- Updates are typically made available every four to six weeks.
- In addition, Updates that only consist of Patch Releases are made available on an as-needed basis.
3.5 Nutanix Kubernetes Engine
- Upgrades will typically be made available every six (6) to twelve (12) months.
- Updates will typically be made available every three (3) to six (6) months.
- In addition, Updates that only consist of Patch Releases will be made available on an as-needed basis.
3.5 Nutanix Database Service
- Upgrades are typically made available every three (3) to nine (9) months.
- Updates are made available on an as-needed basis.
4. AOS Compatibility
4.1 Prism Central
- Each Prism Central release will be compatible with the following AOS releases
- Current and previous two (2) active STS Upgrade releases
- Current and previous active LTS Upgrade releases
- For example, PC.2020.8 which was released in Aug 2020 will be compatible with the AOS releases, 5.10 (LTS), 5.15 (LTS), 5.16 (STS), 5.17 (STS) and 5.18 (STS) Upgrade releases.
4.2 Nutanix Database Service
- Each NDB release will be compatible with the following AOS releases
- Current and previous two (2) active STS Upgrade releases
- Current and previous active LTS Upgrade releases
- Current and previous two (2) active STS Upgrade releases
- For example, NDB 2.5 which was released in September 2022 will be compatible with the AOS releases, 6.5.x (LTS), 5.20.x (LTS), 6.1.x (STS) Upgrade releases.
5. Upgrade Policy
To view upgrade paths, see the Upgrade Paths page in the Nutanix Support Portal.
6. Hardware Compatibility Guidelines. Compatible hardware platforms (“Approved Platforms”) are listed on Nutanix’s Hardware Compatibility List (“HCL”) which can be found here. Approved Platforms listed on the HCL are specific with regard to the version of such platform as well as for the components included therein. For Approved Platforms the following guidance applies:
- Nutanix will periodically place platforms on the HCL to be “Approved Platforms”
- As of the date that a platform becomes an Approved Platform, Nutanix agrees that it shall provide LTS Releases that are compatible with that Approved Platform (including backward compatibility) prior to EOL, unless otherwise stated. The preceding sentence assumes that the customer has installed all LTS Releases that are Upgrades during the term of Support.
- Notwithstanding the commitment above, Nutanix has no obligation to provide LTS Releases for Approved Platforms if such Approved Platforms subsequently are ‘end of life’ or are no longer supported by the manufacturer.
- Nutanix strongly recommends that customers deploy Nutanix software on a hardware platform that is under a maintenance contract.
Upgrades and Updates | ||
Maintenance Releases, Security patches and bug fixes | ||
New features and enhancements | ||
Certification with new third-party products/versions | ||
Certification with new Nutanix products/versions | ||
New Hardware support | ||
Root Cause Analysis* | ||
Problem reproduction in Nutanix Support Labs | ||
Response time SLA | ||
Support Contract renewal | ||
Create a Support request | Web and Phone | Web only** |
Workarounds for issues** | ||
Access to Knowledge Base |
* In the event there is an incident that affects system availability, and upon customer request, Nutanix will provide root cause analysis for Mission Critical Priority 1 support requests
** Nutanix does not provide support for product versions that have reached EOSL on hardware platforms that do not have an active Extended Support contract. The only exception is for assistance related to upgrading from your EOSL version to a supported version
Documentation means any on-line read me, help files, manuals or other explanatory materials describing the features, functionalities and the specifications of the Software as provided by Nutanix.
End of Life (EOL) or End of Support Life (EOSL) is the last date that the product is entitled to receive applicable Support. After this date, all Support for the product will cease unless entitled by an active Extended Support contract.
End of Maintenance is the date after which Nutanix will only provide critical security patches and workarounds if necessary. Any Software released after a hardware end of maintenance date will not be qualified on that hardware, with the exception of AOS. For AOS, Nutanix will qualify all Short Term Support (STS) releases of AOS leading up to and including the first Long Term Support (LTS) release that is made after the hardware end of maintenance date.
Error means any reproducible failure of the Software to perform any material function as set forth in the Documentation.
Long Term Support (LTS) Release means a Software release that Nutanix commits to maintain and support for longer than other releases, to provide greater stability to customers who have longer new feature adoption cycles. In general, an LTS Release is a Maintenance Release and will contain very few (if any) new features and builds upon a mature and proven AOS codebase which customers have been successfully running in their production environments. An LTS release will be designated “LTS” as part of the Software version number. Any release that is not designated as LTS will be deemed to be an STS Release.
Maintenance means the provision of LTS Releases and STS Releases by Nutanix.
Maintenance Release. The number in the “Z” position in the Software version number indicates a Nutanix Software release as a Maintenance Release. A new Maintenance Release has a number of bug fixes and generally does not include new features.
Maintained means that Nutanix will provide Updates that have workarounds and bug fixes for Errors but will not provide Upgrades.
Major Release. The number in the “X” position in the Software version number identifies a Nutanix Software release as a Major Release. A new Major Release has a large feature payload and a number of bug fixes.
Minor Release. The number in the “Y” position in the Software version number identifies a Nutanix Software release as a Minor Release. A new Minor Release has a nominal feature payload and a number of bug fixes.
Mixed Support Level means that the product is covered by different levels of Support contracts in the same cluster.
Short Term Support (STS) Release means a Software release that shall receive Troubleshooting for three (3) months from the Release Date of the next Release that is an Upgrade. The intent of an STS is to allow rapid feature adoption.
Patch Release. The “n” position in the Software version number identifies a Software release as Patch Release. A Patch Release typically has a smaller number of security/bug fixes than a Maintenance Release. Nutanix may limit the distribution of some Patch Releases.
Release means either an LTS Release or an STS Release.
Release Date means the date a new Upgrade or Update is generally made available.
Software means any Nutanix software licensed to customers as for commercial purposes.
Support means Nutanix support as described at www.nutanix.com/es/support-services/product-support.
Troubleshooting refers to Nutanix Support consisting of phone support and if necessary, the provision of Patch Releases primarily for security purposes.
Update means either a Maintenance Release or a Patch Release.
Upgrade means either a Minor Release or a Major Release.
Log in to the Nutanix Support Portal to view the Hardware and Software Versioning Compatibility Matrix.
Log in to the Nutanix Support Portal to view End of Life Information