How To

Simplifying AI With an Platform / Turn-Key Solution


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are demanding the attention of business leaders around the world, becoming a priority in practically every industry. Without having proper AI-ready infrastructure in place, though, implementing AI/ML is not necessarily straightforward. You need a simple way to start generating success with your AI investments with an in-the-box solution that just works as soon as you open it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Infrastructure built for AI acts as a platform that removes the complexity of operating and deploying AI workloads.
  • These complexities that IT decision-makers need to be aware of include security concerns, hybrid cloud integration, and the inherent learning curve of using AI/ML for the first time.
  • Using an in-the-box solution replaces that complexity with outright simplicity.

What is AI-ready infrastructure?

AI-ready infrastructure involves a platform that reduces deployment and operational complexity for AI workloads. The Nutanix State of Enterprise AI Report reveals that 90% of surveyed IT decision-makers are placing a high emphasis on prioritizing AI. However, they stand to benefit that much more by doing so on infrastructure designed from the ground up to accommodate the latest innovations in AI and machine learning.

According to Lee Caswell, SVP of Product and Solutions Marketing at Nutanix, “Most organizations do not have the IT infrastructure they need to support their goals. 91% of respondents agree their organization’s IT infrastructure needs to be improved to more easily support and scale AI workloads, and 84% are planning significant investments in AI-capable infrastructure.”

Many of the most efficient IT operations take place in today’s hybrid cloud, where organizations can leverage a great deal of control over their private clouds in tandem with the vast resources of one or more public cloud platforms. The hybrid multicloud is also becoming a more frequent home for AI operations as well, so it stands to reason that an environment where AI meets the hybrid cloud is synonymous with AI-ready infrastructure.

Even when the cloud is ready to accommodate new AI practices, though, the act of implementing AI can be easier said than done. Understanding the complexities of AI adoption is a necessary first step when you choose to invest in this exciting new technology, and knowing how an in-the-box solution can simplify the whole process can be an effective next step after that.

The complexities of implementing AI

In an article for Forbes, Doxci co-founder and COO Austin Ambrozi comments on the difficulties that businesses must overcome when transitioning to AI-ready infrastructure. “This transition is far from seamless, as leaders encounter a myriad of challenges when adopting AI within their organizations.”

First and foremost among these concerns is the matter of securing AI and ensuring the reliability of data. 53% of respondents in the Nutanix State of Enterprise AI Report indicated that data security will be a key driver in their future AI application and infrastructure upgrades.

AI/ML adopters also require accelerated AI success. Regardless of how groundbreaking an innovation might be, it can do more harm than good if it disrupts or slows down business during the transition period. You can overcome this roadblock by leveraging large language models that are effective right out of the box with no added complexity nor any compromise on quality.

There is also the matter of extending AI-ready infrastructure to the hybrid multicloud and even further to the network edge, to ensure you can reap the benefits of ML wherever you deploy. As Lee Caswell puts it, “The expansion of AI technologies, coupled with growing demands for speed and scalability, means edge strategies and core infrastructure deployments are poised to take the center stage of IT modernization.”

The simplicity of a GPT-in-a-Box

When people talk about generative AI and other ML-powered solutions in today’s conversation, they often refer to generative pre-trained transformers like ChatGPT that can respond to queries from a position of deep learning.

A GPT-in-a-box solution removes the burden of building or even implementing these types of AI solutions yourself and also makes it easy to overcome the complexity, inefficiency, and security challenges for generative AI and AI/ML applications.

Nutanix simplifies your learning curve on AI-ready infrastructure with Nutanix Cloud Platform for AI (GPT-in-a-Box), a full-stack solution that helps you optimize IT costs with a software-defined cloud operating model. Harness AI-ready capabilities right out of the box, simplified to build, fine-tune, and run models, including GPTs and LLMs, while you continue to use existing teams and skills.


Anatomy of Nutanix Cloud Platform for AI (GPT-in-a-Box)

Lee Caswell defines Nutanix Cloud Platform for AI (GPT-in-a-Box) as a “full-stack software-defined AI-ready platform with services designed to simplify and jump-start your initiatives from edge to core.” From its inception, this technology was always meant to empower you in maintaining AI content exclusive to your organization in order to meet security, privacy, and compliance requirements.

Use an in-the-box solution on the best AI-ready infrastructure platform

Nutanix actively contributes to the AI/ML open-source software community, with notable participation in the MLCommons advisory board as well as the Kubeflow Training and AutoML working groups, among other contributions. It comes as little surprise, then, that Nutanix would assume a leading role in establishing the future of AI-ready infrastructure with its GPT-in-a-Box solution.

Nutanix is the platform for your AI success. When so many organizations are wondering how they will guarantee security and reliability, what they can do to bring AI to the edge, and when they should upgrade their IT infrastructure, Nutanix jumpstarts a solution for each of these challenges and more with one platform that presents infinite possibilities.

Common challenges of AI and the number of survey respondents concerned about those challenges

Nutanix also helps IT decision-makers keep a finger on the pulse of the industry by publishing insightful resources like the State of Enterprise AI report. To further stay abreast of the latest innovations in both AI-ready infrastructure and hybrid multicloud, read the latest blogs from Nutanix.

“The Nutanix “how-to” info blog series is intended to educate and inform Nutanix users and anyone looking to expand their knowledge of cloud infrastructure and related topics. This series focuses on key topics, issues, and technologies around enterprise cloud, cloud security, infrastructure migration, virtualization, Kubernetes, etc. For information on specific Nutanix products and features, visit here.”

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