Was wir bieten:
Eine Plattform für die Ausführung von Anwendungen und Daten – überall

Als ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Cloud-Software bieten wir eine einheitliche Plattform, die Infrastruktur und Management nahtlos integriert, um einen reibungslosen Betrieb von Daten und Anwendungen über verschiedene Clouds hinweg zu ermöglichen. Unsere Software-definierte Architektur passt sich an verschiedene Hardware- und Cloud-Optionen an, um konsistente Betriebs- und Data Services in Cloud-, Edge- und Core-Umgebungen bereitzustellen.

Erfahren Sie mehr über Nutanix

IT Complexity is at an All-Time High

In today’s IT landscape, businesses grapple with challenges amid an explosion of application and data growth, rising costs and complexity, and a shortage of skills and talent. A recent survey highlighted the challenges:

Increasingly Complex Infrastructure


Currently, 60% of enterprises say they use multiple IT infrastructures. This setup creates new management challenges due the complexity of managing mixed environments.

Rising Cloud Costs


Managing cloud costs is a growing challenge, especially when using current IT infrastructures, according to 85% of IT decision makers.

Expanding Security Threats


Despite the crucial importance of data security and sovereignty, only 40% of respondents have full visibility into where their data resides.

Ongoing Skills Shortage


The demand for new specialized tech talent continues to rise, with 80% of respondents saying IT and cloud talent recruitment is an ongoing concern.

Was wird benötigt?
Ein Konsistentes Cloud-Betriebsmodell

Nutanix Delivers the Ideal Platform for Your Business

We deliver operational consistency and simplicity with a hybrid multicloud platform built for your success. Our platform enables you to:

Modernize Your Datacenter

Create a modern platform with hyperconverged compute, storage, virtualization, and networking at the core. We simplify how you procure, deploy, and manage IT services.

Unify Operations on a Single Platform

Our software-defined infrastructure brings together apps and data on one unified platform, allowing you to oversee your entire infrastructure from a single pane of glass.

Speed App Development and Deployment

Efficiently deliver self-service and automation to build and run both your virtualized and containerized applications and databases. Use file, block and object storage without adding new silos.

Move Apps and Data with Ease

Intelligently distribute workloads across various environments–datacenters, public or private clouds, or edge locations–without the hassle of retooling and refactoring.

Build More Agile and Flexible Operations

Maximize resources with scalable, non-disruptive operations and one-click simplicity. Portable licenses further streamline resource allocation for flexible deployment.

Protect Against Cyber Threats and Data Loss

Ensure business continuity and cyber resilience with robust design, policies, monitoring, access control, data protection, encryption, and self-healing systems.

Eine Plattform für hybride Multi-Cloud

Nutanix Cloud Platform ist eine leistungsstarke Infrastrukturlösung, die sicher, belastbar und anpassungsfähig ist. Sie unterstützt verschiedene Workloads über Public und Private Clouds, die Edge, mehrere Hypervisoren und Container-Plattformen hinweg sowie unterschiedliche Rechen-, Storage- und Netzwerkanforderungen in Ihrem hybriden Multi-Cloud-Setup.

Nutanix Portfolio

Nutanix genießt das Vertrauen von:

“Nutanix not only converges technologies, their software has enabled us to converge infrastructure, teams, and opportunities. By combining IT specialists into a single operations group, we can now see our end-to-end environment, work collaboratively, and make better decisions for the business.”

– Kevin Priest, Senior Director, The Home Depot


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across hybrid multicloud environments

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